

Hello to the entire Steemit community and especially to the investors who try to simplify their lives with cryptography.  You've already heard about other important projects and topics, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, ico, Blockchain, Kryptonite;  this time I present to you a wonderful project that you will love. What does this mean for users? CAPVERTO Exchange is a pioneer financial platform that unites the domain of banknotes and cryptocurrencies.  Its distinctive design revolves around the CAPVERTO Tokens (CAP) and international prepaid cards, which extend digital currency earnings to the populations that are most often excluded from traditional banking.  Through the CAP utility token, it provides an intuitive and multifaceted online banking experience. What is the problem? Our team has conducted a survey and registers more than 2 billion people currently without bank accounts, representing hundreds of billions of US dollars in untapped activities....

Eine innovative Stadtentwicklungsplattform Die universelle Lösung für Smart Cities

Die Parksen-Services sind unterteilt in unsere Parksen-Park-App in Echtzeit - von der bereits ein bescheidener MVP existiert - und die Green, Smart & Connected City Platform.  Mit der Ethereum-Blockchain, intelligenten Verträgen, einem universellen Hauptbuch und einer Vielzahl von IoT-Geräten werden wir eine wirklich nachhaltige und intelligente Stadtentwicklungsplattform schaffen.  Mit den gesammelten Daten werden wir in der Lage sein, gegen die immer größer werdenden Verkehrsstaus und Umweltbelastungen, die das Leben in großen städtischen Metropolen und kleinen Städten schädigen, zu kämpfen.  Die Parkplatz-App Parksen wird die gleichen Daten verwenden, um die Fahrer zu verfügbaren und bezahlbaren Plätzen zu führen, während Kommunen, Parkhäuser, Unternehmen und andere Nutzer der Stadtplattform die Daten nutzen können, um ihre eigenen Infrastrukturen zu verbessern. Angetrieben von PARQ Unser multifunktionales Dienstprogramm Token Der P...

An Innovative City Development Platform The universal solution for smart cities

The Parksen services are divided between our real-time Parksen parking app – of which a modest MVP already exists – and the Green, Smart & Connected City Platform. Utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, smart contracts, a universal ledger and a variety of IoT devices, we will create a truly sustainable and intelligent city development platform. With the collected data, we will be able to battle back against the ever-rising levels of traffic congestion and pollution that are damaging life in large urban metropolises and small cities alike. The Parksen parking app will use that same data to guide drivers to available and affordable spots, while municipalities, parking garages, companies and other users of the City Platform can use the data to improve their own infrastructures. Powered by PARQ Our multi-functional utility token The PARQ token is an Ethereum-based ERC20 utility token which can be spent and earned within the Parksen parking app and the Green, Smart & ...

Level01 - ICO Review

Level01 is to transfer peer-to-peer (P2P) derivatives that allow investors to trade through one option, without direct intervention or brokers. Level01 skips Ledger (DLT) distributed technology with transparent and automatic blockchain, with artificial intelligence (AI) from dynamic Value Value Dynamic values ​​for current and retrospective data counterparties. Level01 incorporates DLT technology with Blocking and Artificial Intelligence (AI), allowing for dynamic measurement of reasonable values. Partner analysis based on current market data and retrospective. Platform Level01 is designed to be effective but removes all forms of detention in the user's work in traditional currency exchange or encryption, as follows: Deposit / Withdrawal; Wallet privacy issue; All this allows investors to focus entirely on trading activities. With such a system incorporating smart contracts that serve as an unbiased, automated and trusted intermediary for trade and transaction settlement...


ABOUT Level01 is a peer to peer (P2P) derivatives exchange that allows investors to trade options contracts directly with one another, without requiring an intermediary or broker. Level01 combines Distributed Ledger (DLT) Technology for transparent and automated trade settlement on the blockchain, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics that provides fair value pricing dynamically to counterparties in a trade, based on current & retrospective market data. The platform intends to effectively remove all forms of friction in the user experience present in conventional exchanges, such as fund deposits/withdrawals, multiple tier identity verifications, and wallet security concerns; allowing investors to fully focus on trading activities. The Level01 platform facilitates transparency & equality, and is designed to provide the most fair, efficient, even- level trading field for both retail & commercial investors. KEY FEATURES SIMPLE / ADVANCED TRADIN...